7 Questions with Stefanie Mulrooney, Ukiyohi Co-owner, Green Guru and Larry David Superfan.

After months of rumors and speculation, we are finally introducing the force-of-nature who has helped launch Ukiyohi into the stratosphere in 2024. Meet Stefanie Mulrooney. She’s not just our co-owner and managing partner; she’s a powerhouse, a connector, and quite possibly the hardest working woman in w**d.

Stefanie’s journey has included some wild twists and turns, all while building relationships that have gotten us into some of the most stylish, high-end retailers in New York, Las Vegas, and even close to home at Martin Patrick3 and Patina. And this all inside of our first year in business.

Let’s get to know her with 7 questions Ukiyohi fans have been dying to ask. Buckle up!

  1. So, Stefanie, what's your relationship with the plant?

“Me and the plant are BBF's! I sustained some permanent injuries from an accident about 10 years ago. Since then, I use the plant daily to help relieve my TBI and PTSD symptoms as well as chronic pain. I have so much respect, appreciation, and gratitude for the plant. I don't know where I would be without it.”

*Backstory time: About a decade ago, Stefanie’s life was turned upside down by an accident that left her with a traumatic brain injury, chronic pain and other long-term issues. And while most people might have been overwhelmed, she got curious, resilient, and dove headfirst into healing. Enter: the plant that changed everything for her.

  1. Ukiyohi isn't your only gig. What else are you up to?

“I am up to a lot! I am also Director of Client Relations for a Minnesota canna company, as well as a mom, wife, and yogi.”

*Oh, just casually managing a million things at once like a pro! Stef wears a lot of hats (literally, like all the time. We’re not sure the hair is even real). Beyond Ukiyohi, she’s a key player at one of the most innovative companies in the Minnesota cannabis space – BLNCD. Oh, and she’s also CEO of her family. No big deal.

  1. What's your favorite place you've traveled to?

“I’ve traveled to many places, but I think my favorite was probably Costa Rica when I was on a volunteer working vacation. I spent two weeks living with 13 strangers from all over the US. We worked with locals on a reserve in the cloud forest and helped build a bridge. It was one of the most amazing experiences.”

*Yup, she’s that person – off in the jungle helping locals and building bridges… perfect metaphors for what she’s doing here at Ukiyohi.

  1. Do you have any hidden talents?

“I make Pysanky, otherwise known as Ukrainian Easter eggs. My grandparents (and father) immigrated to the US from Ukraine. My grandmother taught me how to make Pysanky when I was 4 years old.”

* For the record, those eggs can be converted into really unique ‘holiday pipes’ to share with family from the old country. Or so we hear.

  1. What show are you currently binge-watching?

“I am currently binge-watching the last season of Curb Your Enthusiasm.”

*Larry David fandom is a prerequisite at Ukiyohi.

  1. What three items would you take with you to a deserted island?

“My yoga mat, my Ukiyohi M2 dugout, and my greens to fill my M2.”

*She’s always selling. Even when she doesn’t know she is.

  1. You can have a "session" with any 3 celebs. Who are they, and where is the sesh?

“Michelle Obama, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, and Larry David.”

*Again, with the Larry David… Eh, there are worse obsessions. Approved.

So now you know. And she’d love to know you! Go ahead and shoot her an email… hit her up on the ‘grams or connect on LinkedIn (especially if you’re a retailer, member of the press… or a sexy brand that might want to collab with ukiyohi). She’ll respond with the same passion, enthusiasm and relentless optimism that make her such an incredible partner in this start-up journey.


September 13, 2024


Carol Moss said:

“hardest working woman in w**d”! Truer words have never been spoken!!

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